Use the 60-30-10 Rule

If you take a look at some rooms in magazines you will notice that the rooms you like the most are probably divided into percentages of 60-30-10. The overall theme is 60 percent of a hue is the unifying color. The 30 percent provides visual interest and the 10 percent provides the little color of spark.

So, when decorating a particular room, divide the colors into percentages :
  • 60% of a dominent color
  • 30% of a secondary color
  • 10% of an accent color
Translated to a room setting, it typically means :
  • 60% of the room's color is the walls
  • 30% of the room's color is the upholstery
  • 10% of the room's color is an accent piece or a floral arrangement
Next time your considering a new look in your home consider these percentages when you are deciding colors.

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